All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. However, what i discovered has prompted me to write a book mapping the book of mormon. Related topics including the book of mormon and dna. The book of mormon presents the evidence from dna researchers. In early 2008 rodney meldrum published a dvd titled dna evidence for book of mormon geography. Dna analysis has concluded that native american indians do not originate from the middle east or from israelites but rather from asia. Wayne may presents archaeological support of the book of mormon to a group in malad, idaho in february of 2017. Indications of weather and climate in the book of mormon by ted dee stoddard. If it was, research teams would be trying to test it and falsify it, to verify its validity. Sep 08, 2016 on january 31, 2014, the lds church published an essay entitled book of mormon and dna studies in the gospel topics series on its official website.
History there is a mammoth that was unearthed in mexico in 1952 which was irrefutable evidence of man and book of mormon people living. An excellent documentary by rod meldrum for new scientific support for the truthfulness of the book of mormon studying the correlation and verification through dna, prophetic, scriptural, historical, climatological, archaeological, social, and cultural evidence. Book of mormon difficulties, contradictions and explanations. Another limited geography model, known as the heartland model, has the book of mormon taking place primarily in the eastern united states. This new evidence, in contrast to the first, appears to provide support for the book of mormon as well as and an interesting geographic paradigm for the events therein. Instead, it is a challenge to core issues of lds doctrine, belief and practice, which have been entrusted by the lord to the sole province of the leaders of the church. Book of mormon and dna studies church of jesus christ.
The conflicts have caused some commentators to conclude that the book of mormon is a human document and was not translated by joseph smith from golden plates given to him. Mar 15, 2015 anyone who disagrees with the content of this video, didnt watch it. In 1841 joseph smith read stephens incidents of travel in central america. It is all on the new 5 dvd series, book of mormon evidence and it is nothing short of amazing and exciting to see this level of nonlds evidence in support of the book of mormon. Smith claimed to translate the original text of the plates into english. Dna evidence proves book of mormon claims about ancient. This presentation examines the question of the location of the nephite lands in the americas.
This book locates everything from the narrow neck, to zarahemla, from cumorah, to the land of promise, bountiful. Apr 15, 2008 hi, i just finished watching a dvd titled dna evidence for book of mormon geography. The book of mormon geography lds map and lands with dna evidence for zarahemla, cumorah, america, and indians and the narrow neck and mexico. Dna evidence and molecular genetics disprove the book of mormon by rich deem introduction. A promised land, the land of promise uses the book to show the book of mormon geography evidence, land, map, dna, definitive, and true along with prophetic statements. On january 31, 2014, the lds church published an essay entitled book of mormon and dna studies in the gospel topics series on its official website. However, dna evidence shows no connection between american indians and israel. Ces letter links to a poorly written wikipedia article as the basis of their sweeping claim. We learned that the book of mormon people certainly did live in the most capital parts of the land helaman 1. Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Supporting evidences of the book of mormon are broadly identifiable. George regional conference, book of mormon evidence series. On the website, book of mormon geography, the following statement is made.
Using the latest data from several worldclass research libraries and scientific search engines to study worldwide population movements and genetic drift, the. The book of mormon, the founding document of the latter day saint movement and one of the four books of scripture of the church of jesus christ of latterday. An evaluation of the word snow in the book of mormon by ted dee stoddard. Archaeological evidence, dna evidence, scientific theories, and scriptures from the book of mormon. Rod meldrum and book of mormon dna byu scholarsarchive. The purpose of saints is to present a compelling narrative of the faith and sacrifice of early latterday saints, not to weigh in subtly or otherwise on the various theories of book of mormon geography.
In fact, the dna evidence does not refute the claims of the text itself, nor does it preclude a divine origin for the book of mormon. The book of mormon, the founding document of the latter day saint movement and one of the four books of scripture of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, is an account of three groups of people. He is a 42 year convert to the lds church and has served in four branch presidencies, three elder quorum presidencies, seminary instructor, gospel doctrine instructor, veil worker at the st. How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand.
Firetag 49 comments like many people who consider the book of mormon as scripture, i am fascinated by questions about where it has a setting in ancient historical events. Wait until you see the scientific evidence that has been released since the original dna evidence for book of mormon geography was released. While the church has pinned its hopes on the work of limited geography apologetics, the essay makes no mention of geography at all. Paul minnesota temple, and currently is serving as gospel doctrine teacher of the menomonie wisconsin. New scientific support for the truthfulness of the book of mormon. Proposed book of mormon geographical setting wikipedia. Lehis family landed either on the east coast or on the northern shore of the gulf of mexico, after sailing around africa and across the atlantic ocean. Correlation and verification through dna, prophetic, scriptural, historical, climatological, archaeological, social, and cultural evidence rodney meldrum, 2008. Three great resources to debunk the dna vs book of mormon. Sorenson, siberian dna, and book of mormon directions wheat. Joseph smiths statements regarding book of mormon geography. The book of mormon claims that the native american peoples are descended from the house of israel, but the dna evidence, according to this book, points to an asiatic origin for the american continents native people. Its been a few years since i talked about dna and the book of mormon. According to joseph smith, the book of mormon was originally engraved on golden plates, which he received in 1827 from an angel named moroni, whom smith identified as a resurrected former inhabitant of the american continent.
Book of mormon geography in north america wayne may. Five compelling archeological evidences for the book of mormon. The conclusion of dna evidence brings us the fascinating testimony of an exmormon. Nelson on the importance the book s primary purposeto testify of jesus christ and his gospel. Book of mormon evidence in american archaeology wayne may. It is part of a collection that includes book of mormon evidences, part two, book of mormon evidences, part three, and book of mormon nuggets contrary to the claims of our critics, there are many interesting findings that make it difficult to explain. Dna evidence for book of mormon geography miscellaneous.
Brief history of the limited geographic view of the book of mormon by john a. There are several theories held among latterday saints for the location of book of mormon lands. Mormon church says it was an error in their come follow me manual that there was a curse of dark skin. Attempts to resolve conflicts between the book of mormon and dna findings. Meldrum is a researcher, author and national lecturer on the truthfulness of the book of mormon, its historical efficacy and scriptural and physical evidences.
A comprehensive geography of nephite america, and share my. I have watched more than 20 hours of wayne may book of mormon lecture videos and conversed with both wayne may and rod meldrum in person. Sep 16, 2015 in response to mormon apologetics in 2004 he published losing a lost tribe, which explores the origins of amerindian and polynesian dna and its implications for lds beliefs arising from the book of mormon. According to the book, two of these groups originated from ancient israel. In 2004, plant biologist simon southerton published a book that made a similar argument. Dna evidence has relatively little to do with the authenticity of the book of mormon, but does provide importance tentative insights into the origins of many ancient american peoples. Rediscovering the book of mormon remnant through dna. Overview true book of mormon geography lands western.
That is, when confronted with dna evidence that doesnt track with what. Others look to peru and south america, or to the baja peninsula, or texas, and some even propose the malaysian peninsula. Archaeological and historical evidence dna and the book of. Lds book of mormon geography evidence land map dna definitive true. Jan 29, 2019 as for a book of mormon geography being based on a theory that joseph didnt know what he was talking about, that is an incorrect statement. Were talking about one guy here, and the book of mormon does talk about serious travel, even though the settlements it continues to cover were in a limited. This faithstrengthening event will provide new insights and information that supports the truthfulness of the restored gospel of jesus christ, his prophet, joseph smith, and the book of mormon. Simon southerton submitted to us as to why he left mormonism due to dna evidence is at whyleft125. The book of first nephi, the first book in the volume, describes the actions of lehi and his family in leaving jerusalem before its destruction, following the counsel of the lord, and wandering through the wilderness for several years before embarking on a transoceanic voyage to somewhere in or near central america.
Simon is married to jane who is an english teacherlibrarian. Since the late 1990s pioneering work of luigi luca cavallisforza and others, scientists. His research supports the writings and teachings of ancient and latterday prophets and indicates north america as the location where its epic history played out. There is generally no direct support amongst mainstream historians and archaeologists for the historicity of the book of mormon. Like the church, book of mormon central bmc is officially geography neutral. A quote from dan egan, a writer for the salt lake tribune. Book of mormon stories lds seminary lds books lds church church ideas geography map lds scriptures scripture study scripture journal. That mission is invoked because the core of rod meldrums presentation is not book of mormon geography or dna. Seriously, though the fact that joseph seems to have considered zelph a lamanite means there is little reason to doubt the story based on either dna evidence or book of mormon geography. The chief claim, and the premise of the entire book, is that hebrews carried the message of the coming messiah on a voyage across the atlantic. Now the same dna evidence used in courts of law can credibly speak to the validity of the book of mormon, which serves as the foundation of the mormon religion. I couldnt possibly cover every book of mormon correlation in one sitting. Scientific studies of dna, facial structure, blood types, and migration patterns have indicated that natives are of siberian origin and are totally unrelated to ancient jews. Church releases statement on book of mormon geography.
The basic premise of the research engaged in by the author, rod meldrum, was that there was sufficient evidence in the book of mormon and from the prophet jos smith jr. The volume has long invited scrutiny from all branches of science. Book of mormon evidences, part one discusses some of the many factors supporting the plausibility of the book of mormon as an ancient document. The article concludes by emphasizing the churchs neutrality on book of mormon geography and quoting president russell m. Genetic attacks on the book of mormon focus on the fact that amerindian dna seems closest to asian dna, and not dna from the middle east or jewish dna. We have sought to uphold the churchs position of neutrality on these theories. New evidence for the book of mormon name sariah 1 nephi 2. Three geneticists respond to the lds essay on dna and the. This book locates everything from the narrow neck, to zarahemla, from cumorah, to the land of promise, bountiful, and more. Sorenson, siberian dna, and book of mormon directions. In the book of mormon, the book of nephi tells the story of a hebrew family that flees the city of jerusalem around 600 b. The lds church released an essay on their website titled book of mormon and dna studies. Nov 26, 2011 sorenson, siberian dna, and book of mormon directions date. Saints and book of mormon geography church history.
Oct 7, 20 the book of mormon geography geography map, dna, lands zarahemla, cumorah, narrow neck, mexico, caribbean sea, american indians, and true evidence. Brother meldrum has since given hundreds of presentations across the united states and canada and has shared his research and findings in support of the truthfulness of the book of mormon and the gospel of jesus christ with hundreds of thousands of members of. Another testament of jesus christ, is true, not false. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence youtube. The material below covers the geography of the book of mormon in north america. The book of mormon is clear that it was a literal curse on their skin. Archaeology itself can be divided and subdivided into numerous disciplines. Many lds academics and theologians are now promoting a limited geography theory. Reviews of dna evidence for book of mormon geography. The book of mormon documentary accurately presents the consensus of the scientific community that northern asia not israel is the place of origin of the native american indians.
National geographic society statement on the book of mormon national geographic society statement on the book of mormon language. A more clear statement would be that book of mormon geography is allowed to be a subject of speculation because joseph didnt reveal the location. The evidence assembled to date suggests that the majority of native americans carry largely asian dna. The genetic data demonstrate instead that no matter how such. The book of mormon geography lands and map with dna evidence. The book of mormon is supposed to be a history of real people living in a real place. In 2002, anthropologist thomas murphy published an essay in which he argued that dna evidence points to native americans being related to asians, and therefore this disproves the book of mormon. Statement on book of mormon geography page 6 general. Also on that day, the dollar weekly bostonian published the first in a series of articles written under a false namea pseudonymthat were part of a scheme to change lds thinking about the book of mormon.
The book of mormon geography geography map, dna, lands. The research herein refutes the claim that dna analysis proves the book of mormon false, on the contrary it explores genetic dna evidence that may actually support the claims of the book of mormon. In this post i wanted to emphasize physical evidencesstuff you can touch, see, feel. Since 2014which was the last time i discussed lehis missing dna theres been a few articles of interest that i thought i would mention and comment on. Wayne may presents the supporting evidence for the heartland model, that the book of mormon nephites and jaredites lived in north america. Author brings case for book of mormon geography to midland. Centuries later, according to the scripture, jesus appeared to the nephites in the same region after his resurrection. There is simply no basis to claim that there is no genetic evidence linking native americans and the middle east. Thick darkness, vapor of darkness, and mists of darkness. The book of mormon makes several scientific claims that can be tested. For the first 150 years of mormonisms existence, everyone thought it was a story about a people who left the middle east and came to south or central america, and who fought wars clear up into new york state where. Dna strands in the book of mormon sunstone magazine. The result was the creation of a dvd titled dna evidence for book of mormon geography.
This book is in contradiction to all other published books on the subject of geography. The book of mormon is an account of the former inhabitants of this continent that contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The remainder of the video features interviews with experts in history, biology, anthropology, linguistics and archaeology. To my knowledge there is no reputable researcher who is specifically attempting to test the authenticity of the book of mormon with dna evidence. Below is the modern map of the area of smiths youth. Correlation and verification through dna, prophetic, scriptural, historical, climatological, archaeological, social, and cultural evidence. Well documented facts, and he covered so many different aspects of evidence to back up his video presentation, aside from the compelling dna evidence, he used weather, animal migration, mapping, rivers, water bodies, descriptions from the book of mormon and matched them to the local geography. The documentary is a must see for all those who view the book of mormon as an accurate history of the native american indians. May 11, 2009 a recently published book claims that dna evidence proves the book of mormon, one of the books of scripture used by the mormon church, incorrect. Older lds interpretations of the book of mormon implied that north american natives are all descendents of jews who emigrated from the middle east. His level of arrogance is frustrating to ones senses. Population genetic structure of variable drug response, nature genetics 293 2001.
Rodney meldrum, dna evidence for book of mormon geography. Rod meldrum, dna evidence for book of mormon geography. Anyone who disagrees with the content of this video, didnt watch it. Haplogroup x in native americans residing in the great lakes region, ohio river valley, and mississippi river valley, and 2 that the events of the book of mormon took place almost entirely in these same regions. Are israelites the principal ancestors of native americans. Does dna evidence prove the book of mormon to be false. Mormon revisionists today believe that moroni went from one hill cumorah to the next to bury the plates. My original motivation in researching these questions was personal curiosity. It snowed in the city that day, the latest snow in boston history. Dna evidence and molecular genetics disprove the book of mormon. This is probably true, and the reason is that the book of mormon is not a scientific theory. Hence, moroni had to carry the plates from central america to new york.
Mar 27, 2016 saturday, june 11, 1842, was unusually cold in boston, massachusetts. Not written by a mormon the lost civilizations of north america. Moroni buried the book of mormon and that is also the same place where the last battles of the. The result of research conducted over the course of two and a half years in scientific journals, books, and the scriptures. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence that proves the book of mormon. In 2014 the church quietly published book of mormon and dna studies, an essay which distills an avalanche of mormon apologetics published solely in lds journals, and attempts to address population genetics. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking native americans to the jewish population in the middle east. The dvd is based upon a popular presentation given in a number of fireside. Dnas representation of the scientific evidence is simply wrong. In the paper revisiting sariah at elephantine, neal rappleye, a research project manager here at book of mormon central, explains that scholars have identified a jewish woman named. Some place the geography of the book in upstate new york or near the great lakes. Though there are several plausible hypotheses regarding the geographic locations of book of mormon events. The book of mormon teaches the ancient inhabitants of the americas native americans are descendants from the israelite group called the lamanites.
Sorenson, siberian dna, and book of mormon directions date. Recent research has been conducted on native american dna, studies potentially related to the book of mormon that may lend support to its claims. However, this attack ignores several key points, among which is the fact that the book of mormon states that lehi and his family are clearly not jews. Summary of problems with rod meldrums heartland theory. In 1975, he submitted a paper to a symposium about book of mormon geography outlining the failure of archaeologists to find old world plants, animals, metals, and scripts in. Some mormon researchers claim that it is not valid to use genetics to attempt to prove or disprove the historicity of the book of mormon, citing a lack of source genes and the improbability of tracing israelite dna even if present.
The book of mormon begins in a wellknown location, jerusalem, in 600 b. Hi, i just finished watching a dvd titled dna evidence for book of mormon geography. National geographic society statement on the book of mormon. A journal of latterday saint faith and scholarship. In this article, we will provide some background on this issue focusing on the scientific issues, followed by a point by point response to various statements made in the essay about the book of mormon. Lost civilizations of north america documentary4, deborah bolnick on haplogroup x. The mainstream scientific consensus about the origin of the ancient americans and peoples is at odds with the claims put forth in the book of mormon, though mormon apologists have made efforts to reconcile these contradictions. Dna evidence for book of mormon geography documentarytube.
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